Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Blog #4

 In todays blog I a reading the article "Still Separate, Still Unequal: Teaching about school segregation and educational inequality". I decided to do the quotes option as I feel it will best help me describe the article, and teach others about it. 

My first quote is "'No one is really talking about school segregation anymore,'" Elise C. Boddie and Dennis D. Parker wrote in this 2018 Op-Ed essay. 'Thats a shame because an abundance of research shows the integration is still one of the most effective tools that we have for achieving racial equity.'" If research is proving that integration is a very effective tool, why isn't it being talked about more? We have tools to fix this issue, and yet things are not being put into action. I feel people need to stop ignoring the problem. 

My second quote is "School segregation and educational inequality may be a sensitive and uncomfortable topic for students and teachers, regardless of their race, ethnicity or economic status." I feel that sometimes it's good to step outside of boundaries to educate children on important facts like this. Unless the child is absolutely not wanting to talk about the situation, I think it should be talked about to spread awareness. 

The third quote I chose is "School districts that predominantly serve students of color received $23 billion less in funding than mostly white school districts in the Untied States in 2916, despite serving the same number of students." This to me is just shocking, why should there be different amount of funding to different schools. All children deserve the same treatment from schools, and colored students are not getting it. 

Link to Mondays async work: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UmiwDpAOK9Marzr4EwQmy7mawYWrgXEHy9iyK8tif8I/edit 

Civil Rights and Education: Teacher Resources | RFK Legacy Education Project

Friday, February 3, 2023

Blog Number 3

 The reading I read this week was "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol. I have picked three quotes fro this text to talk about they're relevance and meanings. 

My first quote is "Depression is common among children in Mott Haven. Many cry a great deal but cannot explain exactly why. Fear and anxiety are common. Many cannot sleep. Asthma is the most common illness among children here. Many have to struggle to take in a good deep breath." This quote stood out to me because I feel for these kids. Most of the kids in Mott Haven have serious problems that need help to get better, and it seems they do not have the support here that they need to feel better. I can also personally relate, as a child growing up, I had major anxiety, so I know how it feels to physically want help, and I can't imagine not being able to get it properly. 

The next quote, is a quote said from a father in the text. "'You just cover up...and hope you wake up the next morning,' says a father of four children, one of them an infant one month old, as they prepare to climb into their sleeping bags in hats and coats on a December night." I cannot imagine how this father is feeling. Most of us are very lucky and privileged to be able to sleep in a nice warm bed. These children do not get to experience that, they have to wear their winter clothes to bed, which is not even a bed.  

The last quote is "A small and wiry women wearing blue jeans and a baseball cap, a former cocaine addict who now helps addicted women and their children, she tells me that more than 3,000 homeless families have been relocated by the city in this neighborhood during the past few years..." While reading through this section of the reading, all I could think about is how amazing this woman is, she took her pain and used it again her addiction. She knew she had to change, and now she's even helping others change. 

EPGenderEqualityWeek: There is no gender equality without economic equalityI chose this picture because its showing that not every economy is equal. 

Point to be shared in class: The whole time reading this, all I could think about is how no one truly knows what others are going through and the life styles of other people. You never know if a child doesn't have access to good health, or a bed, or a warm home. You should always be thankful for what you have. 

Lesson Plan #1 Blog

Abby and I did our lesson plan number one with two students, the lesson was on story mapping. The lesson went well. We were able to get all ...