Sunday, April 16, 2023

Blog #9

 In todays Blog, I will be talking about three things Ive learned this semester that I feel will stick with me! 

One of the fist things that I definitely found meaningful was the first day of service learning. Of Course I was nervous the first day but seeing now the relationship that I grew with the children is something that I am really proud of. I am sad to be leaving them in a few shorts week but I know they will do great next year! I am so glad I got to connect with these children on a personal level! 

The next thing that had a big learning impact on me was the do's and don's of a classroom. I actually really enjoyed that lesson and found it very interesting. I liked taking notes and watching the video in class, and now know what to lean towards when setting up my classroom. 

The last thing I feel will stick with me was the card game. The game five tricks was a fun way to problem solve without talking. That was one of my favorite things we've done in class, and I think I may even want to carry it on a possibly play it with the students when I become a teacher. 

Why is Education Important and What is the Purpose of Education


  1. I agree with you that connecting with students during Service Learning has been a good experience.

  2. I agree that card game was something I will remember it was a good experience we can bring with us to show others

  3. I agree I learned many things and took lots of notes on the classroom video.

  4. I agree with what you said about the card game


Lesson Plan #1 Blog

Abby and I did our lesson plan number one with two students, the lesson was on story mapping. The lesson went well. We were able to get all ...