Monday, March 13, 2023

Blog #5

For this Blog I am doing reflection, I will be connecting some of my personal experiences to this article. 

    This article explains different social classes and what they look like, and how they act. Growing up, I was more in the middle/upper class. Though I did go to a public school, it was more of a middle class public school. The article explains how in the middle class schools breadwinners were a mixture of highly skilled blue and white collard workers, and that traditional middle class occupations were teachers, social workers, accountants, and middle managers, where were different all things (people) that you would see in my schools at home. The article also said that the incomes in middle class schools were better than average but below the top ten percent. I would defiantly say that this is pretty accurate in regards to the high school that I went to. The school would have money to do fun assembly things, proms, field trips and more. But, at the same time my school was always fundraising for things to make more money. There was also a time I specifically remember freshman year of high school, some of the teachers jobs were threaten due to lack of money. But, nothing was put into effect and the teachers got to keep their jobs with a raise in the towns tax. 

The article also mentions about how the way the teacher teach in certain social classes. The article goes on to say how teachers of middle class schools believe their job was to teach knowledge taught from in textbooks and in which dictated by curriculums experts. This included reading text, listening to the teacher, answering questions, and then doing a report. They looked at it as more of a matter of giving and understanding information from socially approved sources. I think I could agree and disagree with this in regards to my high school. There were some teachers that would have us read from the textbook, listen to them talk, answer question and then do a report. But, there were also teachers who would make class more exciting and interactive and not just about what's in the textbook. Pyramid of three social class infographic Vector Image

This is a link that talks about the five sisal classes:

Video Analysis:


  1. I loved how you discussed social class of not only the students, but how it affects teachers. Very well said.

  2. Good summary and connection to Anyon's analysis of middle class schools.


Lesson Plan #1 Blog

Abby and I did our lesson plan number one with two students, the lesson was on story mapping. The lesson went well. We were able to get all ...